Gammellung og Tuerne
Volunteers dressed up in work clothes to help expand rare nature
A handful of volunteers armed themselves with gloves and spades on thursday the 22’th of September to give nature a hand. The sharp and rather unpleasant plant, swamp sawgrass (Cladium mariscus), was to be planted in new parts of Gammellung Mose. Why? You probably ask. The fact is that swamp sawgrass is completely indispensable in the habitat *7210 Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae. A habitat that is very rare throughout Europe and is only found in approx. 4 km2 throughout Denmark. That is why one of the goals for Faxe Kommune in the Rigkilde LIFE-project is, among other things, to expand the rare *7210-habitat.
Before the day, Faxe Kommune had dug up clumps of swamp sawgrass in parts of the bog where the plant thrives and grows in dense stands. In cooperation with the volunteers, Faxe Kommune was able to move the plant to parts of the bog where it does not already grow, where it would be difficult for swamp sawgrass to naturally spread to, and where we expect it to thrive in the future. The day gave most people a sweat, but there was also room for pleasant chats about the exciting nature as well as coffee and cake for those in need. Faxe Kommune thanks everybody for their efforts!