Borrow a trailer and care for your nature

Borrow a trailer and preserve your nature

Landowners, citizens, associations and institutions will now find it easier to take part in the preservation of valuable nature. Through the EU-funded project “RigKilde LIFE” the municipality of Thisted can now, free of charge, lend a nature preservation trailer to anyone who would like to lend a hand in the preservation of local nature.

Thisted municipality have received a new trailer with the purpose of securing the vulnerable, light-open and low habitats at Vejlerne, Hvidbjerg Å, Ørum Sø and Skibsted Fjord. The trailer is packed with chainsaw, brush cutter and further equipment intended for nature preservation. They lend it completely free of charge to anyone who wants to take part in preservation of the rare nature.

With this new trailer it is made possible for volunteers, associations and private people to borrow equipment especially intended for clearing willow and reed that otherwise block the sunlight, and thereby securing the unique wildlife and vegetation that are characteristics of these vulnerable areas.





You can book the trailer for free by calling:

Elsemarie Kragh Nielsen on phone +45 21 47 99 75 or

Lars Christian Adrados on phone +45 23 74 53 71

Nature, 2017