A unique nature reserve
In the western region of Copenhagen a coherent array of protected marshes are situated – like beads on a string. Two of these marshes, Vasby Marsh and Sengeløse Marsh, have jointly been appointed as an international protected area – Natura 2000-area. These great marshes are the only nature reserve in Denmark, where you can find both the protected bird’s-eye primrose and the tuft-shaped sedge brown bog-rush side by side with several protected orchid species and an array of other lime-loving and typical plant species of alkaline fens.
This is why Vasby and Sengelose marshes are a quite spectacular nature locality with small species-rich alkaline fens found between meadow and marsh areas overgrown with scrub and areas of dense forest vegetation. In the middle of Vasby marsh the absolute greatest and viable population of the rare brown bog-rush in Denmark grows and the population is nationally utterly unique.
The alkaline fens must be saved
Through RigKilde LIFE we wish to secure that the small but species-rich alkaline fens, that currently is spread and isolated in the marshes, will not completely disappear from the western region. This will be accomplished by both securing and improving the existing alkaline fens, but also by establishing the conditions for new areas with alkaline fens to develop. This will help link, expand and extend the natural values and ensure favorable preservation conditions for the light-open alkaline fens.
With our knowledge of where this valuable nature is found, we will investigate whether the water level in the area is acceptable for the nature preservation to be implemented.
In addition we will be able to improve the nature preservation in the area by:
- Establishing fencing and clearing to the necessary extend to introduce/reintroduce grazing, so we can preserve and develop the natural values.
- Ensure inflow of light to suitable habitats for great crested newt and moor frog.
- Create sprouting beds for the lime-loving and light-requiring plants by a peat scrape.
- Offer mini courses in nature preservation to the landowners – e.g. cutting with scythe.
We protect and develop
In some areas of Vasby Marsh and Sengeloese Marsh grazing is difficult because of the hydrological conditions. In other areas management of the land have stopped resulting in such overgrowing with scrubs and reed that the valuable nature is disappearing.
Valuable alkaline fens of high quality are still found in both Vasby and Sengeloese marshes, but for these to remain, develop and spread an effort musts be made against both current and future threats. It makes sense to protect the valuable nature we already have and ensure the necessary management to maintain light-open nature localities. The opportunity to reestablish valuable nature through preservation is also really good. Dormant pools of seeds from rare and light-loving plants can be hiding in the soil of the marsh, but can be awoken by nature preservation. For this reason are Vasby Marsh and Sengeloese Marsh part of RigKilde LIFE.