Molinia meadow and Atlantic salt meadows

Molinia meadows are a nutrient-poor grass and herb vegetation on temporarily moist, wet and flooded areas.

  • Molinia meadows are too wet to be common/fringe and too dry to be swamp or fen.
  • Molinia meadows are usually quite dry during summer, but flooded at the end of winter and start spring.
  • Molinia meadows are found in relatively few places. In Denmark 2.388 ha have been mapped.

Atlantic salt meadows

  • Atlantic salt meadows are meadows flooded with saltwater frequently or sometimes when winter gales occur.
  • Atlantic salt meadows are characterized by salt-tolerable vegetation – grasses and herbs.
  • Atlantic salt meadows are typically found where the coast is protected against substantial wave exposure leading to erosion.


Salt meadows are the most widely occurring habitat of nature in Denmark, with a total of 28.326 ha that have been mapped in Denmark.