What we do

The most important activities in the project from 2015 to 31. december 2022 are:

  • We will enter in a dialogue with the landowners to determine who will participate in the project.
  • We will carry out botanical and hydrological preliminary research to determine how we best preserve alkaline fens and petrifying springs.
  • The municipalities will compose nature preservation proposals based on the preliminary research. We will mail the proposals to the affected landowners to enter in a dialogue about what can and must be achieved based on volunteer participation.


Where landowners and municipalities agree, nature preservation can consist of:

  • Establishing a desirable water level, e.g. by filling up, blocking or chancing ditches that drain existing alkaline fens, petrifying springs and calcareous fens.
  • Clearing some areas completely or partly especially those with common reed and willow scrub, where the opportunities for improving the prognosis for preservation or recreation of alkaline fens, petrifying springs and calcareous fens are good.
  • Grazing by cattle in areas and thereby creating long-term nature preservation. Furthermore sturdy and durable fences can be put up to fence in cattle.
  • For selected areas soil distribution might be an option that considers both landowners request for more coherent areas and the objective of the project.


If additional efforts are needed for preservation and recreation of the rare, vulnerable and endangered habitats help can be provided from project funds after prior agreement with the affected landowners.

The possibilities of recreating alkaline fens and petrifying springs are particularly advantageous, given the proper effort and preservation, in areas overgrown with willow and common reed or where the pure and calcareous ground water has been drained.