Borrow our nature preservation trailer
Do you have a small particular nature area in need of a helping hand you can borrow our nature preservation trailer.
The alkaline fens must be rescued
Through RigKilde LIFE, we wish to make sure that the string of alkaline fens so rich in species along the streams will not be disrupted. We will achieve this goal by securing and improving the existing alkaline fens, but also by creating favorable conditions for new areas with alkaline fens to develop. Furthermore we hope to improve breeding and living conditions for the moor frog and the great crested newt.
We will examine:
- Where in the area the habitats are found.
- Whether any special species are found in the area.
- Whether the water level in the area is suitable – for both nature and landowner.
In addition we will be able to promote the fine nature preservation in the area by:
- Clearing overgrown nature areas.
- Establish or improve the conditions for grazing/preservation of the areas.
- Establish advantageous water level – for both nature and landowner.
- Reestablish open water surfaces.
Contact information:
Lars Christian Adrados, phone: +45 23 74 53 71,